Wednesday, 29 January 2014

The Secret Behind YOU

Sorry apology mistake these all are just words..,
there meaning is defined by you...,
how YOU treat these words how YOU use them..,it's not about just saying these things its the way you say it..,its the way you treat these words..,
because if these words are mistreated it can lead to some serious damage..,the fact is that
 no amount of mis-communication..,
no amount of misunderstanding can ever ruin a relationship..,
can never break a bond between two people..,
the only thing that can jeopardize that bond is a small three letter word.."EGO"

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Life happened...

People say expectations ruin everything..,don't expect from anyone because if those expectations are not fulfilled that could hurt you really bad..,
Few questions usually pop in my mind when I hear these lines..,
first one..,
do we expect from strangers do we expect from our so called enemies..,no we expect from those who are close to us whom we trust whom we turn to share whom we know more than they do themselves..,
another one why do we expect its not switch that you turn on and you start expecting and you close and that's it end of expectations no that's not how it works and you know it..,one has no control over his expectations it just happens and it happens because somewhere deep down one knows they might come true otherwise why would you expect..,