Wednesday 29 January 2014

The Secret Behind YOU

Sorry apology mistake these all are just words..,
there meaning is defined by you...,
how YOU treat these words how YOU use them..,it's not about just saying these things its the way you say it..,its the way you treat these words..,
because if these words are mistreated it can lead to some serious damage..,the fact is that
 no amount of mis-communication..,
no amount of misunderstanding can ever ruin a relationship..,
can never break a bond between two people..,
the only thing that can jeopardize that bond is a small three letter word.."EGO"

Sunday 5 January 2014

Life happened...

People say expectations ruin everything..,don't expect from anyone because if those expectations are not fulfilled that could hurt you really bad..,
Few questions usually pop in my mind when I hear these lines..,
first one..,
do we expect from strangers do we expect from our so called enemies..,no we expect from those who are close to us whom we trust whom we turn to share whom we know more than they do themselves..,
another one why do we expect its not switch that you turn on and you start expecting and you close and that's it end of expectations no that's not how it works and you know it..,one has no control over his expectations it just happens and it happens because somewhere deep down one knows they might come true otherwise why would you expect..,

Saturday 7 December 2013

Big HANDS of life
There comes a time in life when even the most rightly said things seems to be wrong, when one looses friends when one looses enemies, in a way the person looses touch to itself...
its not a bad news its also a phase of life that's the truth and  you have to face it that's a fact so its not a bad news its a reality..,
and frankly speaking I tried to find the way to get out of these situations I failed.., I tried to figure out what to do in such circumstances I failed again..,
so I have no clue what to do or what not to do when such a situation comes in front of you..
All I can say is just HANG IN THERE..,

Monday 2 December 2013

  OppOsItEs dO AttrAct
Lets cut short the drama and let me clarify that this is not one of those times where u hear this topic and all your imaginations and dreams are crushed by those magnetic poles and positive  protons  and negative electrons..
yes I'm going to talk about that exact thing which you are thinking right now yes yes yes...   
They say opposites attract, and psychologists agree.

According to research, couples who are too similar to each other, both physically and in personality, are less likely to have a long lasting relationship than those with some distance between them.

The theory matches many seemingly perfect Hollywood marriages which failed to last, from Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor to Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. Those annoying couples who seem to agree with each other all the time may find they are actually too close for comfort.
A relationship is not about those love moments and its also not about those fights its all about when both are angry and both of them are dying to make things normal but no there comes ego, so technically they are ready to do everything apart from killing their egos but one of them when finally approaches and texts the other one mostly boys..,

Monday 18 November 2013

The Mirror To Your Life
its not about what you wear..,its about who you are
its not about the parties..,its about the memories
its not about the words..,its about the gestures
its not about the gifts..,its about that smile
its not about the perfections..,its about that dumbness....
There was a story I read somewhere
Human beings and frogs are two creatures in nature who have tremendous power to adjust. Put a frog in a vessel of water and start heating that water. As the temperature of water rises, the frog is able to adjust its body temperature accordingly. The frog keeps on adjusting with increase in temperature accordingly. Just when the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog is not able to adjust anymore. At that point the frog decides to jump out. The frog decides to jump out but is unable to do so, because it lost all its strength in adjusting with the temperature. Very soon the frog dies.
What killed the frog....

Thursday 31 October 2013

Check Your luGGaGe..,

happiness ...
what is happiness..,lets define happiness or at least we'll give it a shot..,happiness is when one smiles for no reason happiness is when one is finding people whom he can help..,happiness is when your dreams are also beautiful although one has no control over the dreams but still they seem to be in favor of the motion ..,happiness is when you wake with a smile get ready on time wish the unknowns good morning.., when the reason behind that happiness,  that scene which is responsible for happiness is all one can see in front of his eyes..,that exact scene which you are thinking about right now and that exact smile is what i am talking about..,
see its that simple to remember happiness no one did anything at all..,it was you, be proud of yourself you made yourself happy..,
it has always been like this GOD will provide you with the raw material its on you how you shape it..,

people will see only those things which you will show them..,
why are people afraid of depression..,its nothing to be afraid it will come its a part of life and sooner or later you will have to face it.., and it comes to everyone sometimes you have to fall at the moment so you can walk through the next time..,
but what one forgets is there is also a bag of happiness..,so flaunt it.,its not that you are someone special and god is giving you all the depression, lets be clear on that field you are no special so drop that ball from your bag..,
all you get from life is the same..,the difference is the way you see it..,some people adjust with the problem some believe in throwing out the  problem and some people convert that problem into a solution..,
no one cares about how you remove the problem..,all people care about is how you flaunt your happiness..,because somewhere down the lane some one is happy because you are happy so be the miracle of someones life..,
a miracle is something which seems impossible but happens anyway.., 
there is a famous quotation i heard somewhere..,
so what you though was right for you and did not happen take the guess something better is waiting for you right across the corner..,
people say you cry for those only who deserve it..,
well get that right the deserving ones will never make you cry..,
stop concentrating on those who left you..,care more who are still with you..,
so perform a simple exercise everyday and u'll be just fine..,
so SMILE..,
rather than looking outside look within you..mark my words you'll be shocked to see the amount of happiness that you carry in you..,:)

Thursday 10 October 2013

tHE hARD parT..,

there comes a certain point in everyone's life where they have to make certain decisions where they have to do certain things which are not always in the favor of the condition..,
there are times when your mind and heart clash..,they are in contradiction to each other..,
life is not always easy on you but that doesn't mean it is bad to you..,