Friday, 17 May 2013

The Candle Is Lit

“I have to acknowledge what I need in my life. 

If I want peace, I have to acknowledge it. I have to say to myself, in the simplest of words, ‘Yes, I feel the thirst for peace.’ 

I can use fancy words to impress other people, but I cannot use fancy words to impress myself. If I want to impress me, I have to speak the truth. 

Maybe to the world, truth is a scary word, but truth is what the heart wants to hear. That thirst needs to be quenched. Peace is what the heart needs to feel.”
                                                                                                           -Prem Rawat

Prem Rawat speaks about inner peace. Since his early childhood, he has been informing human beings about the possibility of fulfillment in this lifetime. His message is not tied to race, religion or culture. He simply reminds people of their own innate thirst, and their own inner oasis that can quench that thirst. Besides mere words and concepts, Prem Rawat offers people the tools that can transform this possibility into a reality.

         Prem Rawat - The Candle Is Lit

In your darkest hour there is a candle, and the candle is lit. If you want proof, take a breath. There is your proof. The candle is lit, and even in your darkest hour, you do not need to experience the darkness.

Even in those moments where there is pain and suffering, there is a place inside of you that dances and expresses joy. In the middle of sadness, there is joy. How appropriate.

For a lot of people, the formula for bringing light into their lives is to remove the darkness. It doesn't work like that. You cannot take a bucketful of darkness and throw it out the window. Try the other way—just bring in the light, and the darkness will automatically leave.

In the middle of mayhem, in the middle of a fiasco, there is clarity. There is a rhythm that is so amazing, so sweet. Again and again it has knocked on your door and asked you to let it through.

In our adult lives, we get quite busy. What does "busy" really mean? While we are redefining things, let's redefine "busy." Being busy is another way of ignoring something. Sometimes we use those words when somebody asks us to do something we don't want to do. We say, "I am busy." True, you are busy, but doing what? You are busy ignoring that thirst, busy ignoring the call of this heart.

Liking joy is not something I learned from anybody. It is something my Creator placed so fundamentally within me, within you. Nobody taught me how to laugh, and nobody taught me how to fall in love with laughter

There is something so fundamental inside of me that wants to be busy enjoying. The good news is I can be. A lot of people have the misconception that, if you want peace in your life, you have to hand over everything you have. You do not.

There is only one place left where you can have true peace, and it happens to be inside of you. That's the good news.

You don't have to give up anything.
All you have to do is turn within.

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