Wednesday 19 June 2013

THe dream of HEAVEN..

They dream of heaven when they are already in heaven. You know the PROBLEM with heaven is.., that you have to DIE. The beauty of this heaven is you don't have to die..,all you have to do is open your eyes..,stop dreaming start looking and you will see what HEAVEN this is.

You don't have to make believe..,truth ,joy ,happiness everything lies within you.., You just need to look in the right direction and that direction is within you...
Accept it or deny it there is a kid in every human being and that kid is busy enjoying..he is unaware of all these outside dramas and nonsense talks..
try it out sometime no matter what your age is whenever you go to a playground don't you wanna go on those swings for a ride..whenever you see toy shop or a balloon seller passing by you do give quick scan to all the toys those are on display..,whenever you hear you favorite song don't you get the urge of dancing on that melodious tune..,
and the fun fact is while reading all this you are actually smiling and there is a cute little smile on your face..:)
that's the kid smiling..:)
Nobody taught you how to smile.., nobody taught you how to fall in love with laughter...
this was something so fundamentally your creator inherited in you..
so all you have to do is unleash that kid and then see the wonders of life..theirs a whole new world inside you..the actual heaven lies inside you..not like this outside world where if you wanna create a mess its there if you wanna create a beautiful scenery its there..inside you..,its all different its all look within you'll know exactly where you'll be landing after death..

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