Saturday, 28 September 2013

Simply CompliCAted..
Peace is a complicated matter.., the thing that I learned so far.., it seems to be a pretty interesting matter..,
because the thing is that we have been able to step on the moon..,
I mean technically speaking we made a transport which could reach so far, cross the earth's orbit and reach on the moon land there and float in the air.., so we have done that but PEACE still has not been traced by us..,

Friday, 20 September 2013

happiness at it's best..

Have u ever felt the statement "you are alive "...just perform an exercise for just one minute close your eyes and breathe heavily
and then think about this statement that "you are ALIVE" me it feels amazing..
the true words you will know the actual value of this breadth it seems a gift which is being given to you every second no matter